
Tacos La Araña in Rosarito gets a rating of 6 for their dry meat and “oldish” guacamole

The asada taco of this taqueria in Rosarito did not do very well

In this episode of Una Mordida Tacos Rosarito, our host Chef Danny Betancourt visited “Tacos La Araña” located in Benito Juárez 22706, on the free Tijuana-Rosarito highway. Two tacos were tried here: a carne asada (grilled meat) taco and a grilled chicken taco, both priced at $1.3 dollars (26 pesos).

Asada Taco

The first thing that Chef Danny highlighted of this taco was its tortilla which had a good size and was quite thick. It also has onion, coriander, “huevona” sauce, and guacamole. The tortilla’s thickness is not very common in taquerias, so it caught his attention, for its flavor and texture were quite present in each bite.

The meat was very fried and crispy and when this happens, the protein tends to dry and it is hard to bite, which is what happens here. It should be noted that those who enjoy their meat this way are probably going to love this taco. The meat had a nice, seasoned light flavor and the coal was present, but it had not been marinated. The sauce had a good taste, though, it needed a little more acidity and the guacamole tasted as if its avocado was a little too ripe. Because of this, this taco gets a rating of 6.8.

Price: $1.3 dollars (26 pesos)

Grilled Chicken Taco

This taco has grilled chicken, onion, coriander, green sauce, guacamole, and is served in the same tortilla as the previous taco. The first thing that delighted Danny was the green sauce which is balanced with the ideal acidity and texture. The guacamole was just like the previous taco being a little “oldish.”

In the chicken one can detect the coal flavor, as well as the fact that it is marinated. It also has pieces from all chicken parts (leg, thigh, breast, wing), which enhances the chicken flavor, in contrast with an only-chicken breast taco. The star, definitely, was the tortilla, and because of these elements, this taco gets a rating of 7.7.

Price: $1.3 dollars (26 pesos)

Click here to find out more about Tacos La Araña on their Facbeook page!


RELATED VIDEO: "Una Mordida Tacos Rosarito": Tacos La Araña


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