Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Law”), and in compliance with the obligation of SanDiegoRed® (through the legal entity responsible for the data personal) consisting of protecting the personal data of its customers, affiliates and / or beneficiaries of any of the products and services, we inform you of the following:

1. Content of Personal Data

In accordance with the Law, it is understood as “Data Personal ”any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person. For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, but not limited to, will be understood as “Personal Data”:

1.1. General data

Name (s) and surnames, date of birth, sex, marital status, existence or not of children, address, landline (home or office), cell phone, email, among other similar data concerning a person.

1.2. Data related to job applications

When you enter or provide Personal Data in the SanDiegoRed® job bank, in addition to general data, information on educational level, work experience and any information related to the curriculum vitae that you send us will be considered Personal Data.

1.3. Magazines and online transactions

When you subscribe to receive any of the SanDiegoRed® products (such as electronic newsletters, promotions, contests, among others) and when you make transactions for the purchase of any of our digital platforms (through mobile devices such as iPhone® , iPad® or BlackBerry® as well as through sites and web microsites), in addition to the general data, Personal Data will be considered those related such as name of the buyer, telephone, email, in addition to the delivery address of the product and any other information necessary to subscription or online transaction.

1.4. Social

Social networks (such as Facebook® and Twitter®, among others) constitute a communication and interconnection platform between digital platforms of the different users, they are alien to SanDiegoRed® and, therefore, are not under its responsibility. . The information that you provide within social networks in which SanDiegoRed® participates as a user, does not constitute or form part of the Personal Data subject to the protection of this Privacy Notice, being the responsibility of the company that provides that platform and of whoever publishes it. . The Personal Data mentioned in sections 1.1. to 1.3. of this Privacy Notice will be collected by filling in the forms and / or by collecting information or documentation required by SanDiegoRed®, either personally or electronically on any of the SanDiegoRed® internet pages, present or future (“SanDiegoRed® Internet Pages”), among which the following stand out: Note: The ownership of the rights over the internet pages may correspond to BUSCA TODO.COM S DE RL DE CV (“SEARCH EVERYTHING”) or to any other company that is part of the group of companies known as “SanDiegoRed®”.

1.5. Cookies

Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on a hard drive of the user's computer equipment when browsing a certain Internet page and that allow the Internet server to remember some user data. Through this Privacy Notice we inform you that SanDiegoRed® uses certain cookies only to obtain information about the city you select when consulting the billboard or any other information from SanDiegoRed®, so that the next time you enter the consultation site, the chosen city will already be preloaded.

2. Person responsible for collecting Personal Data

The legal entity responsible for collecting your Personal Data (in this act, as well as in past and / or future acts), is the legal entity called BUSCA TODO.COM S DE RL DE CV (“SEARCH TODO ”), which is a member of the group of companies known as “SanDiegoRed®”. For the purposes of what is established in section I of article 16 of the Law, the address of BUSCA TODO is indicated as the one located at Calle Brasil 200-A, Juárez, CP. 22040 Tijuana Baja, California.

3. Processing of your Personal Data

In accordance with the provisions of the Law, the processing of Personal Data (“Personal Data Processing”) is the obtaining, use, disclosure or storage of Personal Data, by any means. The use covers any action of access, handling, use, transfer or disposition of Personal Data.

The Treatment of Personal Data by SanDiegoRed® will be limited to the fulfillment of the Treatment Purposes provided for in this Privacy Notice and will be subject to the following:

a) In the event that it is intended to treat your Personal Data for a purpose other than those For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, SanDiegoRed® will require obtaining your consent for this purpose, once again.

b) It will be the one that is necessary, adequate and relevant for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice.

4. Purposes of the treatment of Personal Data

Through this Privacy Notice, SanDiegoRed® declares that the purposes of the treatment of your Personal Data will be the following (“of the Treatment”):

a) Commercial purposes, in order to give you know the commercial information of SanDiegoRed®, among which stands out that related to trivia, promotions, contests, information on new products, birthday greetings, changes in our products, request an evaluation of the quality of the service, carry out internal studies on habits of consumption and any other promotional or question related to the products and / or services that are part of the concept commercially known as SanDiegoRed®.

b) Online collection and transactions, in order to make the economic charges to the bank cards of the products purchased by SanDiegoRed® clients, derived from the subscriptions and / or the purchase of SanDiegoRed® products or services.

c) Delivery of products and fulfillment of obligations with our clients, in case you acquire a subscription or carry out an electronic transaction, you become a creditor of a prize derived from the promotions, trivia or raffles of SanDiegoRed®, or to fulfill the obligations that In your case we have or will have you, we will use your Personal Data to contact you or send you the products.

d) Recruitment and selection of personnel, with the aim that the person registered in the SanDiegoRed® job bank receives timely information about job offers or vacancies that arise in SanDiegoRed® and its affiliated companies.

5. Acceptance of the treatment of Personal Data

In order for SanDiegoRed® to carry out the Treatment of Personal Data, our clients and / or holders of Personal Data must grant us express or tacit acceptance for said treatment, which will be carried out by any of the following means:

5.1. Acceptance through electronic means

Publication on the Internet pages of SanDiegoRed® In addition to informing you of the Privacy Notice by email, SanDiegoRed® will publish this Privacy Notice on the Internet Pages of SanDiegoRed®, in order to that, once you find out about its content, you grant or deny your consent for SanDiegoRed® to carry out the Treatment of your Personal Data.

This will also proceed in the event that, for any reason, SanDiegoRed® does not have your email address or when your Personal Data is wrong or out of use and does not allow us to locate you.

Based on the information you provide us or you have provided, SanDiegoRed® will send you this Privacy Notice by email, so that, once you have learned of its content, you grant us or deny your consent that SanDiegoRed® can carry out the Treatment of your Personal Data.

5.2. Acceptance or rejection of the Privacy Notice by electronic means

The acceptance or rejection of the Privacy Notice of SanDiegoRed® by electronic means will be carried out as follows:

a) SanDiegoRed® will send you to the email address that it has registered in your name , the following information:

- The manifestation that there is a SanDiegoRed® Privacy Notice, or the modifications or changes made to said Notice, if applicable. -The content of the Privacy Notice and, where appropriate, the updates or adjustments made to it. -An electronic link through which you can accept or not accept the Notice or Privacy, or the changes that it will have.

b) Once you have read and are aware of the content of the Privacy Notice, or of the changes made, you will have the following options:

-Accept. By your acceptance you grant consent and authorization so that SanDiegoRed® can use your Personal Data in accordance with the Purposes of Treatment established in the Privacy Notice. -Don't accept. When you do not accept the content of the Privacy Notice or its modifications, you deny or cancel your consent and authorization for SanDiegoRed® to use your Personal Data.

In this case, SanDiegoRed® will cancel and stop using your Personal Data for the Treatment Purposes established in the Privacy Notice.

5.3. Acceptance in a personal way

When the Personal Data is obtained personally from the owner, SanDiegoRed® will make this Privacy Notice available to you at the time your Personal Data is collected and in a clear and reliable way, through the formats that SanDiegoRed ® uses or will use for this purpose. In addition, through these formats, SanDiegoRed® will obtain the acceptance or denial of the owner's consent to submit said data to the Treatment Purposes established in this Privacy Notice.

5.4. Tacit acceptance

Based on the provisions of article 35 of the Law, the content of this Privacy Notice, as well as any modification or addition to it, will be made known to you by any of the means established in sections 5.1. and 5.2. above, and in the event that you do not express opposition to the content and scope thereof within a period of 2 months, counted from the date on which SanDiegoRed® informs you about the Privacy Notice or its modifications, it will be understood that You grant your tacit consent for SanDiegoRed® to process your Personal Data based on the Treatment Purposes established in the Privacy Notice.

5.5. Retroactive acceptance

For all our clients who on dates prior to the notification or publication of this Privacy Notice have provided us with their Personal Data, either by filling in the forms to obtain memberships, products and / or services of SanDiegoRed® and / or for registration in the Talent SanDiegoRed® program, or by any other form or means, the Privacy Notice will be made known to them in accordance with the provisions of sections 5.1. and 5.2. above, in order to grant or deny us your consent (express or tacit) for SanDiegoRed® may or may not continue to carry out the Treatment of your Personal Data based on the Purposes of Treatment established in the Privacy Notice.

6. Limitation of the use or disclosure of your Personal Data

6.1. Actions to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure

In order to guarantee the protection of your Personal Data and limit their unauthorized use or disclosure, SanDiegoRed® continuously performs and will carry out the following actions:

a) Confidentiality of the information. SanDiegoRed® will keep confidentiality regarding your Personal Data collected, which will continue even after the end of its commercial or other relationships with the client or owner of said Personal Data.

b) Confidentiality notification. In the event that, for any reason, SanDiegoRed® finds it necessary to provide your Personal Data to third parties (in the terms provided in the Law or in this Privacy Notice), it will notify said third parties of the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Law and the confidentiality of your Personal Data.

c) Database administration. Personal Data is managed and

d) Computer and computer systems. Our Databases are protected by safeguarded through the use of databases (“Database”), which are administered only by the persons designated by SanDiegoRed® for this purpose, without allowing their use, consultation, management or access to unauthorized persons. firewalls and computer and / or IT systems focused on preventing and avoiding unauthorized or non-SanDiegoRed® people from accessing your Personal Data.

6.2. Requests to limit the use or disclosure

In case you wish to limit the use or disclosure of your Personal Data, in relation to one or more of the Purposes of the Processing of Personal Data (such as, for example, advertising emails, birthday greetings, offers of employment, awards ceremony, among others), you can send the respective application in accordance with the procedure established in section 7 of this Privacy Notice, or by accessing the links that are loaded or will be loaded on the internet pages of SanDiegoRed® or in the promotional information that we send you.

7. Rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition

In accordance with the provisions of the Law, you have the right to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the Processing of your Personal Data, for which SanDiegoRed® offers you the following procedure:

7.1 . Personal Data Department

SanDiegoRed® has designated a department in charge of the custody of Personal Data (“Personal Data Department”), which will process your requests and promote the protection of Personal Data within SanDiegoRed®.

For the above, the Department of Legar makes available the following forms of contact and receipt of information and related documentation:

-Email: -Address: Calle Brasil 200-A, Juárez, CP. 22040 Tijuana Baja, California. Attention: 7.2. Request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition As the owner of Personal Data, you may submit or send to the Department of Personal Data a request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, regarding your Personal Data.

Said request must contain, at least:

-Full name and address of the owner of the Personal Data, or another means for -Documents that prove the identity or legal representation of the owner of the Data -Clear and precise description of the Personal Data regarding of which it is sought to exercise -Any other element or document that facilitates the location of Personal Data. -Indicate the modifications to be made and / or the limitations to the use of Personal Data, -Provide the documentation that supports your request.

7.3. Resolution and communication

SanDiegoRed® will notify the owner of the Personal Data of the determination adopted, within a period of no more than 20 business days from the date the request was received. This period may be extended by SanDiegoRed® on a single occasion for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.

Based on the foregoing, and in accordance with the provisions of the Law, SanDiegoRed® will inform the owner of the Personal Data the meaning and motivation of the resolution, by the same means by which the request was made, and will accompany said resolution of the relevant evidence, if applicable. Legal department. communicate the answer to your request. Personal. any of the aforementioned rights. in accordance with the provisions of section 6.2. of this Privacy Notice. When the request is appropriate, it will be made effective by SanDiegoRed® within 15 business days following the communication of the adopted resolution.

The owner may submit to the Federal Institute for Access to Information (IFAI) a request for data protection due to the response received or lack of response from SanDiegoRed®. Said request must be submitted by the owner within 15 business days following the date on which the response to the owner is communicated by SanDiegoRed®, and will be subject to the provisions of the Law.

In the case of requests for access to Personal Data , it will be necessary for the applicant or their legal representative to previously prove their identity.

The obligation to access the information will be considered fulfilled when SanDiegoRed® makes the Personal Data available to the owner or by issuing simple copies or electronic documents.

In the event that a person requests SanDiegoRed® access to their Personal Data presuming that he is responsible and it turns out that he is not, it will be enough for SanDiegoRed® to indicate this to the owner by any means, (of those established in this section), to have the request as clear.

The answer to your request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of Personal Data will be free. You must only cover the justified shipping costs or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats, which, in due course, will let you know SanDiegoRed®. In the event that the same person reiterates the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of Personal Data in a period of less than 12 months from the date of the last request, the answer to your request may have an additional cost that indicate SanDiegoRed®, in accordance with the provisions of article 35 of the Law.

7.4. Refusal to access Personal Data SanDiegoRed® may deny total or partial access to Personal Data or to carry out the rectification, cancellation or opposition to their treatment, in the following cases:

-When the applicant is not the owner or the legal representative is not accredited for it. -When the SanDiegoRed® Database does not contain the Applicant's Personal Data. -When the rights of a third party are injured. -When there is legal impediment or resolution of an authority. -When the rectification, cancellation or opposition has been previously made, so that the request lacks matter.

7.5. Consequences of cancellation

The cancellation of Personal Data will give rise to a blocking period after which SanDiegoRed® will proceed to delete the corresponding data. Once the corresponding Personal Data has been canceled, SanDiegoRed® will notify its owner.

When the Personal Data has been transmitted to third parties before the rectification or cancellation and is processed by said third parties, SanDiegoRed® must inform them of the request presented by the owner, so that they can proceed to carry out such rectifications or cancellations.

SanDiegoRed® will not be obliged to cancel your Personal Data in the case of the assumptions established in article 26 of the Law.

Likewise, when the information collected in the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes set forth in this Notice of Privacy and in the applicable legal provisions, your Personal Data will be deleted from the SanDiegoRed® Databases.

8. Changes to the Privacy Notice

SanDiegoRed® reserves the right to make, at any time, modifications or updates to this Privacy Notice, for the attention of legislative or jurisprudential developments, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offer of its products and services, or by business practices. Therefore, in the event that SanDiegoRed® modifies the content of this Privacy Notice, it will inform you by any of the forms and means established in section 5. of this Notice. This Privacy Notice was last updated on October 1, 2021.

9. Transfer of Personal Data

In the event that SanDiegoRed® transfers your Personal Data to any of its providers in order to carry out the Purposes of the Treatment established in this Privacy Notice, it will do so after entering into confidentiality agreements and, as long as (i) the provider or person to whom they are transmitted agrees to submit the treatment of Personal Data to this Privacy Notice, and ( ii) it is not one of the assumptions established in article 37 of the Law.

If you do not express your opposition for your Personal Data to be transferred to third parties, it will be understood that you have given SanDiegoRed® your consent to do so.

Final considerations - Informative nature of this document

The content of this Privacy Notice is merely informative, so if you wish to express your acceptance or rejection of its content, we invite you to enter the Data collection sections Personal established on the Internet pages of SanDiegoRed®, where you can issue said acceptance or rejection of both the content of this Privacy Notice and the possible transfer of your Personal Data, or, where appropriate, send the corresponding request to the Data Department SanDiegoRed Personal.


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