Baja California

CreativeMornings lands in Tijuana

Fotográfika is the official border hub for these modern discussions

TIJUANA.- CreativeMornings was created in 2008 by Tina Roth, to build an event that could unite New York’s creative community. The idea was very simple: to meet on a Friday, once a month, for breakfast and a discussion on a relevant topic. All of the events were free and open to the public.

Photo: David Ramos Ramírez/Fotográfika Publicidad
Photo: David Ramos Ramírez/Fotográfika Publicidad

The idea didn’t take long to spread to cities all around the world, eventually catching the attention of Catalina Silva, the director of Fotográfica, a Tijuana publicity agency that is focused on this border region’s creative rediscovery.

Photo: David Ramos Ramírez/Fotográfika Publicidad
Photo: David Ramos Ramírez/Fotográfika Publicidad

The first talk took place last week and the topic was rather familiar: sex. The talk was led by Sayak Valencia, a professor at COLEF (The North Border Insitute). During the talk we learned about everything from the origins of marriage to broader concepts on sexuality, but the most discussed item was publicity and its continual propagation of outdated ideas related to this topic. Unquestionably, the most interesting part was an analysis of Tom Ford’s photographic work.

Photo: David Ramos Ramírez/Fotográfika Publicidad
Photo: David Ramos Ramírez/Fotográfika Publicidad

These talks occur almost simultaneously all around the world, on the last Friday of each month. Venecia — one of the best bakeries/pastry shops in the city — sponsored Tijuana’s talks; so on top of an invigorating discussion, there was also a delicious free breakfast.

Photo: Nicté Trujillo/Fotográfika Publicidad
Photo: Nicté Trujillo/Fotográfika Publicidad

This was the first CreativeMornings talk in Tijuana, which is the second Mexican city to host these discussions. Guadalajara has also organized these events — they sent a video greeting and congratulating the Tijuana group. Tijuana, once again, shows its capacity to open new creative and innovative paths.

Learn more about CreativeMornings and Fotográfica at the official website.



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