
Governor Marina del Pilar: Corporation invests more than 300 million dollars in Baja California

First, 190 million dollars will be invested and then the amount will increase to 305 million dollars in the medium-term

Governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda inaugurated the biggest Rivulis plant in the world, an Israeli company leader in the production of watering systems that chose Tijuana as the place for its next headquarters with an initial investment of 190 million dollars, which means economic revenue that will help the state to grow.

Agriculture is an essential vocation in Baja California, a crucial activity that is and will continue to be a basic foundation of economic and cultural development, the governor said in the opening ceremony while accompanied by the company's chief executives and the Secretary of Economy and Innovation, Kurt Honold Morales.

"This plant we are proud to inaugurate represents economic revenue, job creation, and well-being, and a new development alternative for regional agriculture with an intelligent watering system in its purest and most natural form," she said.

Currently, Rivulis works worldwide with more than 6,000 partners and 7,000 producers in the world to provide comprehensive solutions to micro watering that covers a range from individual producers to huge fields.

"The Rivulis plant in Tijuana is the biggest one in the world. The facility has an area of 160,000 square feet and covers 27 assembly lines, 6 film lines, and more than 60,000 square feet of warehouse space," the executive director of Rivulis, Richard Klapholz, said.

Medium-term, the company is estimated to invest an additional 115 million dollars, to reach a total of 305 million dollars and create between 600 to 800 jobs in the next 3 to 5 years.

The vice president of the Board of Directors of Rivulis, Eris Meltzer, said that he was proud of having chosen Baja California as a location. Besides building this facility, he celebrated the collective spirit and efforts of the entire team.

With a global presence that includes 22 plants around the world and after having established themselves in Silao, Guanajuato, Rivulis will take advantage of the geographical features and human talent of Baja California by offering, at first, 180 positions.

RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar: “National Forum of Regulation Improvement, Digital Transformation, and Competitiveness"


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