
Mayor Montserrat Caballero welcomes Christopher Teal, US Consul General, in Tijuana

The mayor spoke with the American official about common interest topics such as migration and security on both sides of the border

Mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez welcomed to the president's offices recently named US Consul General in Tijuana, Christopher Teal, with whom she spoke about common interest topics such as migration, security, and public debt settlement.

At this meeting, in which the Consul was accompanied by Todd Crawford, Consul of Politics and Economy, and Max Cervantes, Politics Specialist, the mayor recognized the great work that has been accomplished due to binational cooperation.

Caballero Ramírez highlighted the dialogue that has been maintained and strengthened between both nations, with interest in local projects, such as Nora Vargas', president of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), to make the Migrant Guide, created by the 24th Municipal Administration, a tropical one.

At this meeting, they spoke about the current government successful actions such as removing the migrant camp at the El Chaparral area, which was recognized by ambassador Ken Salazar during his visit to the city.

During this dialogue and at the request of the Consul, the mayor suggested strengthening security; as such, her Secretary was in constant communication with the equivalent official in the United States and also spoke to him about the "Botón Morado" app.

Accompanied by senior official, Marcelo de Jesús Machain Servín and the head of the Secretariat of Territorial, Urban, and Environmental Development (SDTUA), Enrique Bautista Corona, the mayor celebrated the naming of Christopher Teal and recognized their spirit of collaboration, work, and exchange of viewpoints.

Regarding projects, the mayor spoke about the strengthened area at Cañón del Matadero where other levels of government participated and the cleaning of 33 desanders, notarized acts, to prevent flooding and harm to citizens.

The new Consul was surprised when he saw at Cañón del Alacrán the paved street and the excellent conditions that benefit migrants who live at the Embajadores de Jesus shelter, which has been named the biggest one in Latin America.

After he found out that the mayor also settled a public debt of more than 2.6 billion pesos, that her administration allocated 1 billion to support ISSSTECALI, and that they have healthy finances, Caballero Ramírez will promote, as always and before everyone, a harmonic and productive neighboring relationship.

RELATED VIDEO: AMLO highlights work by the mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero


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