
Chocolate : The exhibition

The story of a worldly delight

The Museum of Natural History of San Diego, will dedicate an exhibit totally dedicated to a delicious treat for the taste buds: chocolate. This will open on October 12th and will continue until March of 2013.

This exhibit will observe the history and beginnings of chocolate, since when and how it was discovered, passing through the time where it was considered a delicate treat only worthy of kings and ending in today’s time, how it’s one of the most popular addiction for people.

This exhibit will be composed of 8 highlights:


-The ancient Maya.

-The Aztec.

-Chocolate comes to Europe.

-Chocolate manufacturing.

-Chocolate in the global market.

-Cacao growers.

-Chocolate today.

Besides all this, the exhibit is filled with fun trivia and things that we probable did not know about this delight.

The head of this exhibit is the Venezuelan chef Michael Chuao, that along with his brother they own the first Latin owned chocolate shop in the US, in Encinitas, California besides being one of the most popular one in southern California. They are famous for their very original recipe of Spicy Mayan chocolate, which is a mix between the classic Mayan chocolate recipe with a touch of chile pasilla and cayenne pepper. This and many other products can be found in their shops with three of them in the San Diego area including the ones in the worldly famous Hard Rock Hotels and Omni Hotels.

Of course that this exhibit is not the only one that this Museum has to offer us, just to name a few we can find: The Horse, Skulls, Fossil Mysteries, etc.

For more information, tickets, offers and details about these and other exhibits; please visit the Museum of Natural History of San Diego’s website.




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