
How to save time at the San Ysidro border gate!

Some tips to speed up your wait at the lane

Year after year, it seems to be more difficult to avoid the long lines that are made to cross the border between Mexico and the United States.

For most residents of the state of Baja California, the city of San Diego is definitely a shopping paradise.

These Mexican visitors that cross to California usually spend a large part of their weekends in San Diego's shopping centers, they are smart shoppers, they know how to manage their time and have a long experience crossing the border.

When asking my American friends about their habits and customs when they visit the region, I realize that most do not have a definite idea on how to avoid the long lines in the San Ysidro cross border.

After a small survey with my friends from SanDiegoRed.com, I decided to make a small list of seven tips that I believe will speed up the crossing and shorten the waiting time. In fact, you will save so much time that I am sure that you will extend your visit.

There are several points to consider, historically, crossings to the United States are more fluid depending on the time of the year, from January 2 to mid-March, after the "Holy Week" to ‘‘Memorial Day’’, and between "Labor Day" and the end of September. At any time of the year during the week it is better than weekends and Saturdays are quieter than Sundays. We must also take into consideration in which tourist season we are, high or low.

Dealing with US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials requires some preparation. I hope this guide and tips help you manage your time better.

1- You must know what type of documentation you need to submit; this will help you decide which line you should line up. There are regular lanes, historically slower and misleading lines because they sometimes do not seem long, but they consume a lot of time. There is also the "Ready Lane", in which you occupy special cards approved by the internal security department of the United States government. Finally, there are those with restricted access such as the "Sentri" lines, which can only be used when there is a NEXUS, SENTRI, Global Entry and Free and Secure Trade (FAST) card.

2- Check the waiting times in border gate before starting to line up. Traditionally, this can be done by tuning 104.5 Radio Latina or its website or the official website of the United States customs.

3- Upon arrival at the customs booth you must completely lower the glass on your side, take off your sunglasses, and turn off the radio and cell phones.

Shutting down those devices is not necessary, only if requested by the officer.

4 - Have your car registration papers ready, CBP officers are looking for stolen vehicles or people who try to break the laws, in case they are required, having the papers at hand is always of great help.

5- Bringing unnecessary items into the trunk of your car is not a good idea, you can get questioned unnecessarily and sent to the secondary inspection area.

6- The officer will ask you a series of questions such as: How long were you in Mexico? or Why are you going to California? Etc. Answer the questions directly, without jokes or hesitation, and always declare everything you have bought outside of the United States.

7- Be empathic, the officer doesn't know you, doesn't know anything about you or what you do. Don't forget to smile, relax and cooperate all the time.

There are other ways to avoid the long lines at the San Ysidro border gate. There is, for example, a lane dedicated to medical tourism.




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