
Holiday with rain for Tijuana: showers forecasted for September 16

This will be the weather in Tijuana for the next few days

Weather in Tijuana, known for constantly changing, has a new surprise for us for this September 16, Independence Day, in Mexico. After withstanding a week of intense heat, forecasts are now reporting a chance of rain for tomorrow, according to weather forecast website Meteored.

According to the latest reports, there is a 40% chance of rain coming to Tijuana. Though a heavy storm is not expected, the forecast says the sky will be cloudy throughout the day and showers could begin in the afternoon.

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More showers for Thursday

Weather instability does not end here. For Thursday, chances of rain will increase to 50%, which is why the people of Tijuana are recommended to prepare for cooler weather and for more rain in the next few days.

This change marks the beginning of cooler temperatures and higher probabilities of rain, so it is best to be prepared with an umbrella and proper clothes. Don't let rain ruin your favorite holiday plans!

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