
Kurt Honold’s strategies boost Baja California towards an innovative future

Together with the federal government, the Secretary of Economy continues to promote projects to improve the quality of life in Baja California

Kurt Honold Morales, current Secretary of the Economy and Innovation of Baja California, continues to promote projects and establish new and innovative strategies to boost the state's development towards a better future for everyone.

Recently, the official met with the transition team of Marcelo Ebrard, who is part of the cabinet of Mexico's president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, as Secretary of the Economy (SE).

At this meeting, they talked with Luis Rosendo Guitérrez, about the Eighth Rule, an import permit created by SE that allows for the reduction of the general import tax (G) in order to favor production in Mexico.

Several states were present at this meeting with representation of their respective secretaries, in order to talk about PROSEC (Programs of Sectorial Promotion) which supports producer legal entities that manufacture merchandise made up of the sectors established in the PROSEC Decree as well as import merchandise with an ad-valorem discounted tariff.

To boost a competitive environment for the operations of the industry, representatives of state enterprises such as Marco Esponda of Hisense, Sergio Langarica of Sony, and CANIETI representative, Mr. Sinhyo Jung CFO of LG Electronics, JC Rim of Samsung, and Manul Muñiz of Deloitte spoke about the needs and operations of the companies in several different areas.

Kurt Honold thanked Rosendo Guitérrez for letting him learn more about his different points of view and the industry's operation, in order to find possible solutions.

Baja California, leader in the aerospace industry

Baja California is still the absolute leader in the aerospace industry in Mexico attracting investment of companies from this industry such as GulfStream, with experience and talent, which abound in this state, being the skills they are looking for.

When it comes to the entire world, Mexico is ranked #10 in the aerospace industry, with a strong technological capacity and exceptional human talent that has made this sector grow.

Kurt Honold has been a great promoter of the aerospace industry in Baja California and, as proof of that, he was able to make Baja California part of the Farnborough International Show 2024, the year's most significant aerospace event.

On the other hand, the Secretariat of Economy and Innovation led by Honold implemented a program called Red CI Baja, in order to make the infrastructure and talented skills of the state's innovation centers visible.

In Baja California, there are currently 32 Innovation Centers as well as several highly specialized research centers. Each of them is looking to successfully link with the business industry through the understanding of the current market and comprehensive projects that achieve value in the region.

The lab of the Certification of the Center of Industrial Innovation for the Aerospace Sector (CIIA) tested a few months ago some products to validate them through the new 3D Simulator for the Aerospace Sector (CIIA), which is also part of Red Baja.

From simple manufacturing to innovation

During his participation in the panel "Local industrial policy in a global environment", organized by the Mexican Institute of Competitiveness (IMCO), Kurt Honold Morales, highlighted his strategy of educational linking with the business sector of Baja California.

Thanking the invitation to the forum, the state Secretary of Economy pointed out that this initiative is looking to develop talent that allows one to move through innovative technological processes and infrastructure projects that boost competitiveness such as energy and water supply.

The implementation of these programs will not only train the ability of Baja California’s industry, but will strengthen logistics in important factors such as border crossings and the port at Punta Colonet which is contemplating building a train line.

Thes actions are part of a "triple axes" to identify the needs of talent training and coordinating to propose mechanisms to solve issues. An example of this is the recently created Semiconductor Training Program of Baja California, achieved thanks to an alliance with Santander Universidades, EMTECH Institute, and Arizona State University.

RELATED VIDEO: Baja California will make the leap to reach the next level


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