Mexicans Will Test Cancer Vaccine

The clinical trials are scheduled for January and February of 2016.

After multiple animal tests and a human trial, a team of Mexican doctors will start testing a cancer vaccine in human clinical trials so that it can be approved in a few years.

Instead of just one vaccine, it'll actually be a cocktail of various vaccines specifically designed to fight against cancer tumors. The treatment aims to prevent the recurrence of multiple types of cancer like ovarian, breast, multiple myeloma and colon cancer.

Experts are awaiting authorization from the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios [Cofepris] in Spanish), to start with the trials which are scheduled for January and February of 2016. Cities that are being considered for the trials are Mexico City, Ciudad Obregón and possibly Tijuana.

Doctor Juan Pablo Márquez Manríquez, who is leading the medical team and is part of the Cancer Research Center in Sonora (Centro de Investigación de Cáncer en Sonora [CICS] in Spanish), says the treatment is a type of immune system training in order to "recognize and eliminate the cancer cell."

They've been working on this vaccine for almost 15 years, after a while, it was tested on genetically modified mice. The results were favorable and none of the mice developed cancer cells.

Back in 2006, they decided to test it out on humans, a pilot test was done in the state of Sonora, where they gathered 100 patients for the treatment. The patients suffered from ovarian, colon, multiple myeloma and breast cancer. To this date, only one patient has passed away and it was due to an unrelated cardiac issue.

Via El Universal

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