Mexico Will Produce More Beer than Brazil and Germany Within a Few Years

This drink has become the most popular among Mexicans

To the day, Mexico produces 2.5 billion gallons of beer every year, and it has a potential of reaching 3.17 billion by 2019. Regarding investment, Mexico could not only beat Germany in beer production in three years, but could also overtake the Brazilian market.

According to Maribel Quiroga, general Director of "Cerveceros Mexico", the Mexican beer industry has paired up with German industry, and is just a bit below than China's, which produces 14 billion gallons in one year; U.S.A generates 6.2 billion, and Brazil 3.6 billion.

In the interview with Forbes Mexico, Quiroga said, " We can produce more beer than Germany, and in 10 years we'll be producing the same or even more as Brazil."

Despite the impact of the exchange rate in some raw materials, consumption in the Mexican market has benefited from the increase in beer culture, more and more Mexicans know about the various styles of this beverage, its ingredients and process preparation.

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), from January to April, the 2016 sales volume was three thousand 361 million liters, meaning 316 million liters or 10.4% more than in the same period of 2015.

With information of Forbes Mexico

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