
Americans living in Mexico are causing rents to increase: Mexicans want them out

Citizens are not happy about these "tourists" staying here

Inflation and price increases are truly borderless, as they affect the products and services of first and third world countries for several reasons. Sudden price increases can really affect people's wallets, who must then think about doing everything they can to save money.

Mexicans want Americans who live in Mexico City out

Since around 2019, an increase in the number of Americans moving to Mexico began to be recorded, specifically in the country's capital, Mexico City (CDMX), causing a stir among the population due to several factors.

One of the first issues was that some Americans were demanding establishments to serve them in English; though there have been adjustments little by little, to the point that some businesses have ads in English, some issues still remain.

In addition, one of the most significant aspects that has caused the most commotion is "tourists", "gringos", or "expats" (as Americans like to call themselves as they don't consider themselves immigrants) staying in the city.

By staying in Airbnbs with high prices per night, Americans have increasingly made people who lease houses, departments, or rooms change to this platform to earn more monthly income, causing tenants (some of whom have lived there for decades) to be evicted and forced to stay somewhere else as prices increase.


There are several varied opinions regarding this "indefinite" residency as there are some people who think that they support the city's economy by consuming products and services, while others think that this gentrification has caused the prices of rent (who many depend on) to increase.

According to testimonials by Mexicans to local media outlets, they have been witnesses on how places have ended up with a monthly rent price (plus prices per night) of up to $34,000 pesos, when before the approximate rent price was around $11,000 monthly pesos.

On social media, this issue has been shared all over. However, Americans have decided to do something else with videos where they show why they like living in Mexico and why they wouldn't leave. One of the main reasons is how low the prices of everything, considering that their income is earned in dollars and not in accordance with the Mexican economy.


For now, Mexican citizens have protested with campaigns with slogans such as "Fuera Gringos" (Gringos Out) where they ask these tourists' stays to be regulated in the country so that inflation goes down and they don't have to end up going to another state just to improve their economy.

Keep reading: "They are a damn plague"; Mexicans say about Californians moving to Mexico City

VIDEO: Baja Californians help soldiers to fold giant Mexican flag in Ensenada


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