
Chaos crossing from San Ysidro to Tijuana! Americans must pay permit to visit Mexico

Travelers have reported long lines due to this process

Pedestrian crossings at the border can be rather tedious due to the requirements and documents you are required to present to be allowed in; though Mexicans are used to this when entering the US, many don't know what the requirements are to enter Mexico.

Long lines to cross from San Ysidro to Tijuana due to migratory processes

Since Friday, September 20, users on social media reported long and unusual lines that took place at the San Ysidro-Tijuana port of entry, specifically at the pedestrian crossing to get into Mexico. It was said that Americans and foreigners were in the process of getting a permit.

This permit is the "Right of Visitors without permit to perform remunerated activities" (DNR), which specifies the reason and time of their stay in Mexico. This allows foreigners to enter under this Non-Resident condition with a fee of around $575 pesos ($30 dollars) per person. Due to this process, long lines were reported at the port of entry that have lasted until Saturday, September 21.

The form must be submitted by foreigners when entering Mexico on land and can be filled out in person at the migration offices at the border crossing.

It should be noted that charging for this permit is not illegal and it is applicable for all visitors who will stay in the country for more than 7 days, otherwise, it won't have any cost at all. Nevertheless, this form must be filled out and you must have it with you throughout your entire trip.

It should be noted that these long lines seen in the last few hours are due to foreigners going through this process; Mexican citizens can confirm their nationality with a Mexican passport or ID and enter directly.

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