
Mayor of Tijuana Montserrat Caballero has kept her promises, senior official said

One of the municipal president's most important achievements was to deliver machinery and equipment to delegations

"The municipality of Tijuana no longer has debt because mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez and her government have kept her promises," senior official Marcelo de Jesús Machain stated.

The government led by the mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, fulfilled its goals established from the beginning of her administration after being elected in 2021.

Among these, there is the strengthening of agencies that required it, such as the Directorates of Firefighters and Civil Protection, which were equipped with machinery and tools that contribute to the improvement of their work following citizens' demands.

Senior official, Marcelo de Jesús Machain Servín, highlighted that another of the government's achievements was the equipment of delegations.

"Delegations were given all support possible, from equipment to machinery because when this administration began we realized that delegations needed a lot of help," he said.

He also spoke about how the municipality of Tijuana no longer has debt because the mayor's government was able to pay in time all workers of the Institute of Social Security and Services of Government and Municipal Workers of the State (ISSSTECALI).

"With a legislative reform that established that management, in the case of municipalities, were to become supportive responsible in case that ISSSTECALI showed a deficit, an agreement was amde and in total we paid more than 1 billion pesos in 2024 to date due to this deficit. We don't have debt anymore and as proof of that is that if we didn't have it, we wouldn't be freeing ourselves of ISSSTECALI pre-retirements," Machain Servín explained.

Keep reading: Alcaldesa Montserrat Caballero, 3 years of achievements with her government in Tijuana

Regarding the historic payment of public debt in Tijuana, the senior official said: "It is not an urban legend, we did make this payment. There were rumors wondering whether we had paid and this could have happened because Banobras was working through a trust, which needed to be cancelled so that the payment could be validated, which took longer."

The official said that it was necessary to make budget adjustments such as reorganizing staff and redirecting benefit payments to other expense units, such as the settlement of management dues for trustworthy and fixed period staff, among others.

Regarding the increase of wages for agents of the Municipal Police, Machain Servín said that this will only apply to 134 police officers who make less than 18,000 pesos, so that they can have a salary equal to that number.

The senior official said that around 2,771 purchase applications were authorized, with the agencies requesting the most being the Directorate of Municipal Utilities and the Secretariat of Security and Municipal Citizen Protection (SSPCM).

Regarding the restoration of the central dome, the official said that it had been 37 years since it had received any maintenance and based on the evaluation of the Directorate of Civil Protection and the College of Engineers, they decided to allocate a budget of more than 34,540,000 pesos for this purpose.

In addition, with staff from other agencies a rescue brigade was made consisting of 85 agents, as well as a similar number of people from the nine delegations, all led by the director of Civil Protection, Miguel Ángel Ceballos Ramírez.

RELATED VIDEO: Third report by Montserrat Caballero highlights achievements of her three years in office


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