
Chavez Jr. used marijuana to relax from stress

He insists that he has never smoked it and only consumed it in a tea

Boxing fans concentrated all of their attention yesterday on Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. in an interview he had with David Faitelson on the Latin American channel for ESPN, where they spoke about the most talked about topic of the moment: his indefinite suspension from boxing, which will not be lifted until he undergoes and completes a rehabilitation program, as of the result for testing positive on the doping exam after the fight on September 15th.

Chavez Jr. insisted that he has never smoked the substance and if it appeared in his system, it's the result from drinking a tea for stress that he has been suffering from for years.

Chavez trained and prepared for his fight in Los Angeles, California, where a doctor had authorized him to use Cannabis, which in this area its use is legal for medicinal purposes.

Faitelson also asked about the relationship the boxer has with his father Julio Cesar Chaves Sr. who is a Mexican legend in the sport at the international level, whose career was filled with great success, but despite all of that, it was not enough for him who also abused several illegal substances that would lead him to rehab centers with the most recent visit to one in 2011.

Chavez spoke of the great respect and admiration he has towards his father, and of all the support his father has given him, but at the same time for him it has not been easy to have and build a career in Chavez Sr. shadow.

He indicated that in the tough times in which his father "was away", it was more reason for him to stay away from doing drugs and drinking alcohol.

The WBC in addition to suspending Chavez Jr., also fined him with $20,000 dollars that will be donated to an institution that supports children with cancer.

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