
Citizen Committee of Public Security of Tijuana has final ordinary session

They worked under the Coexistence and Citizen Security Program and Comprehensive Plan, according to the president of this committee, Edgardo Flores

The Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, José Fernando Sánchez González, explained that crime prevention and the training of values and strengthening of operation deployment to contain and stop crime were priorities since the first day he took office in this administration.

This was announced in the celebration of the last ordinary session by the Citizen Committee of Public Security, led by President Edgardo Flores Campbell, where they shared the results obtained regarding security matters during the administration from 2021 to the present.

The official pointed out that they worked under the Coexistence and Citizen Security Program and Comprehensive Plan, achieving important results through more than 30 strategies developed that addressed public policies focused on preventing and assisting instances of gender violence, crime prevention and citizen participation, crime fighting, police integrity and dealing with corruption, professionalization, etc.

In addition, they presented an analysis of the crime rate in the last seven years where one can see an important drop in some areas.

These results were obtained thanks to the strengthening of the police force, coordination with merchants, and development of security councils where several committees had an active participation, strengthening preventive frameworks.

Fernando Sánchez González thanked the participation, dedication, and interest that the members of this Chamber had in supporting preventive programs and the several different strategies developed throughout his management, who are firmly interested in recovering peace and maintaining order in our city.

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