
Kurt Honold concludes series of conferences on semiconductor industry at CETYS Universidad in Baja California

The head of the Secretariat of Economy and Innovation in Baja California joined the anniversary celebrations of this alma mater

The head of the Secretariat of Economy and Innovation (SEI), Kurt Honold Morales, shared his knowledge and experiences with students and teachers of CETYS Universidad Tijuana Campus, in a conference titled "Baja California as Driving Force of Innovation" part of its 63rd anniversary celebration.

During this series of 3 conferences that took place in Mexicali and Tijuana, the official was one of the special guests brought by the rector of the CETYS Universidad System, Dr. Fernando León García, where he highlighted the economy of Baja California as one of the most resilient nationwide.

At this conference, that also addressed issues such as industry trends, geopolitical events, innovation, and technological breakthroughs such as artificial intelligence, Honold Morales gave as an example the post-pandemic recovery phase and the improvement of job quality in the state for 3 years in a row.

He spoke about the importance of forging young talent in nearshoring and the semiconductor and the aerospace industries, which has been constantly boosted by the secretary through educational calls and competitions.

As an example of this, Kurt Honold Morales shared some photos of a conference that took place at the Faculty of Economy and International Relations (FEyRI) of UABC Mexicali a few days ago, where he also shared his knowledge with students.

"Sharing experiences with the students of FEyRI UABC, about the strengths of #BajaCalifornia in key industries such as aerospace, life sciences, electronic, and mobility. I am very honored of being part of the academic experience of our future leaders. I thank Carlos Torres for this invitation," the secretary said.

The Secretariat of Economy and Innovation congratulated on social media the university after this talk concluded the series of conferences on nearshoring, semiconductors, and talent development offered by CETYS Universidad, congratulating the school for its anniversary.

"Congratulations on your 63rd anniversary!”.

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