The governor of Baja California, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, launched the 2024-2025 school year with the beginning of breakfast in schools with the "Pancita Llena, Corazón Contento" program which is looking to guarantee education for children in Baja California in order to eliminate basic education delays.
The school year began this Monday with more than 600,000 students from Basic Education to Secondary Education, following the main pillars of the New Mexican School (NEM), free education, 100% coverage, and assistance with equity and equality.

"To parents, I want to tell them that since very early we started to deliver more than 300,000 hot breakfasts in all public schools in Baja California," the governor said.
Education is the foundation that holds the future of the nation, reiterated the Secretary of Education, Luis Gilberto Gallego Cortez, which is why they are working in several different aspects to keep the educational excellence that has represented Baja California nationwide and worldwide.

This start of the academic year was achieved thanks to the support of 32,825 teachers who develop their vocation by teaching in front of a group, administrative staff, and managers of 3,799 schools in the state, he explained.
For this school year, giving continuity to direct aid social programs to Baja Californian families is a goal regarding uniforms and shoes, glasses for those who need them through the Ver Bien para Aprender Mejor program, and daily assistance for 300,000 students with school breakfasts through Pancite Llena, Corazón Contento, he said.

Gaining experience throughout basic education is essential for the comprehensive development of students, because as they acquire knowledge in writing-reading and mathematic logic thinking areas, NEM also promotes a humanistic education, closely related to the student community environment.
At the same time as the academic issue is being handled, the Secretariat of Education continues with its actions focused on infrastructure, installation, replacements, and repair of air conditioners and the Educando con el Corazón Program (PECO).

This formal back-to-school act was led by the Subsecretary of Basic Education, Dulce María Jáuregui Santillán, the delegate of the Secretariat of Education, Jazmín del Carmen Legy Espinoza, the state director of Elementary Education, Marco Ernesto Macías Briones, and the director of primary school República de Venezuela, located at Colonia Esteban Cantú, in Mexicali, Ericka Janeth Campos Godínez.
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