
Mayor Araceli Brown transforms government of Playas de Rosarito with leadership and wellbeing

She claims that the challenge of her second administration is to better themselves

The new “Platicando con Pepe Avelar” show had a special guest: the mayor of Playas de Rosarito, Araceli Brown. During their talk, she shared details about her political career and the importance of being part of the Fourth Transformation.

Brown said that she never thought she would be mayor of Rosarito, in fact, she shared that that was her father’s dream, who tried it many times. She claims that the job is not easy, but for her “it has been a great opportunity to serve and improve the wellbeing of the community.”

Pepe Avelar asked her if she had prepared to be mayor or if she had learned it in office, and she answered that she had prepared for it since she was a kid and her father, with all of his political experience, also prepared her for this role.

One of her main concerns had been what kind of politician she wanted to be, following the steps of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who she claims to understand “completely and thoroughly.”

When she took office, she faced the challenges of the fires in Rosarito, an unprecedented situation that required her to learn on the fly and focus on supporting firefighters, police officers, and affected families.

A vision of progress and wellbeing

For five years, she worked night and day with a vision of progress and wellbeing. She has shown that with one’s own resources a lot can be accomplished: 693 million pesos in public projects, an unprecedented investment in Rosarito. The challenge of her second administration is to better themselves.

She feels proud of the trust that she and her team have earned, highlighting her vision to “assist the way we would like to be assisted.” She said that self-criticism and the criticism of the system can help to improve conditions and wellbeing in the community.

“We are looking for ways to do things” she said and also stated that many goals have been accomplished, though there are still many things to do. Some of the achievements that have made her the proudest are the Tnanzi Community Center, which was collapsing; the almost 100 police cars that are currently operating, of which there were only 8 when she took office, and the assistance that staff gives to people.

As a Montessori educator, she feels great empathy for children and teenagers. Currently, she is studying psychology to better understand and provide better wellbeing to society and resolve problems.

On August 7, 2024, the mayor of Playas de Rosarito, Araceli Brown, will present her government report. At this event, it is expected that the mayor explains the achievements and challenges that her administration has as well as the actions taken to improve the wellbeing of the community and move forward towards the transformation of the municipality.


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