The way in which we take advantage of situations in our life will have great impact for our future. Trying to see the positive and make the most of opportunities will help us continue head on, and such is the case with this Tijuana native woman.
Millie Quevedo, Tijuana native woman who went viral after being a blind mule victim
Since Tijuana is in the border there are people who live here but must cross daily to the United States due to work, school, and family matters, and they are the ones who are often exposed to being victims of crimes without realizing it as "blind mules". This crime consists of hiding illegal substances or undocumented people in cars in order to take them across the border without the driver's knowledge. In case they are discovered by agents, these drivers are often the ones who end up being accused.
Millie was a victim of this: she worked as a chef in the United States, but during one of her daily crossings, they discovered that drugs had been hidden in her car. That's why she decided to quit her job and begin her business in Tijuana, which is one of her dreams.
She decided to open her business named "Burritos Mula" in Colonia Libertad. Her story has gone viral and has revealed her amazing customer service and the delicious flavor of her dishes, which have become popular with locals. Currently, new and regular clients come every day to try her burritos.

Besides burritos with several different stews, coffee and banana bread is also sold here. She said to a local media outlet that, as her business grows, she hopes to open an establishment in order to provide better customer service.

This young Tijuana native woman has been visited by several different media outlets, both local and from the United States, which have shared her story of overcoming the odds that shows that, despite adversities, it is crucial to see the good side of things and take advantage of the opportunities that show up in your life.
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