
Exchange rate in Tijuana: Dollar surges and reaches 20 pesos at exchange shops

The peso continues to depreciate against the dollar, and this has been confirmed by several different exchange shops in Tijuana where it is costing almost 20 pesos per unit

The Mexican peso stumbles once again against the dollar, and this was confirmed by the prices shown at Tijuana's exchange shops. The morning of Tuesday, August 6, the dollar was being sold at $19.25 and bought at $18.15.

In some shops, the difference between the buy and sell rate was quite vast, as a precautionary measure due to market instability.

This situation came to be just one day after "Black Monday" which caused a drop in shares worldwide that could cause a possible economic recession in the United States due to an increase in the unemployment rate.

In addition, it could be related to the drop in Asian markets after announcements made regarding a new currency policy in this continent.

Keep reading: Black Monday: Japanese companies such as Nintendo and Sony's share prices tank

Lastly, the Mexican peso has depreciated in the last few weeks due to uncertainty regarding reforms that could be passed in Mexico after the overwhelming victory of the Morena party in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

A few days prior, Ignacio Mier, leader of deputies in Morena, spoke about the legislative agenda that will include judicial and electoral reforms, as well as the possible disappearance of autonomous agencies such as INAI, which is causing concern in financial markets.

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