
Tijuana will be represented at D.A.R.E International Training Conference

This conference’s goal is to educate children and young people to do good so that they stay away from drugs and organized crime

In order to strengthen their skills to provide better assistance whenever educational institutions are involved, agents of the Municipal Police part of the Crime Prevention Agency are currently participating at the 2024 D.A.R.E International Conference which is taking place in Orlando, Florida.

This was revealed by the Secretary of Security José Fernando Sánchez González, during the "Despierta la Esperanza" program by mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez who recognized the work and commitment of these nine agents currently in the US as they continue to educate young people with values so that they stay away from drugs and crime.

Since this administration began, one of its main goals has been to strengthen actions to prevent and contribute to the safety of children and young people, and thanks to the efforts by instructors that is done every day, more than 44,600 children and young people have benefitted thanks to the D.A.R.E. program.

In addition, this program has also benefited more than 3,000 parents through workshops so that they can understand better the process their children are going through and promptly detect and work to stop damaging behaviors.

At this conference, instructors are trained on issues related to school safety and preventive issues in several areas such as children's safety, school violence, stress management before, during, and after a crisis, and the strengthening of response skills.

Mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez has been a great promoter of these preventive programs, which is why the Secretariat of Security continues to permanently work to strengthen these programs that contribute to create great positive impact in young people's lives.

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