
Marina del Pilar strengthens legal certainty in Baja California with more than 2 million property registration services

The government of Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda promotes legal certainty in Baja California with a record of procedures at the Public Property and Trade Registry

In order to protect the property of citizens and provide legal certainty, the government of Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda has achieved a landmark of more than 2 million procedures at the Public Property and Trade Registry (RPPC) of Baja California from November 2023 to June 2024, benefiting more than 18,000 people in the state.

Following orders by the state governor, efforts were focused on protecting citizens' properties, providing better services in a more prompt, efficient, warm, and human right-focused manner in inclusive facilities and spaces.

From November 2023 to June 2024, legal certainty has been given to more than 18,500 people in the state with support from several decrees issued by the governor, through exemptions and stimulus regarding tax payments for registered services.

During this period, a total of 818 validations have been made, more than 92,000 certifications have been registered, and more than 2,000 property deeds have also been issued by the National Agrarian Registry (RAN) and the Institute for the Development of Real State and Housing in the State (INDIVI), among others.

It should be noted that an investment of more than 22 million pesos has been made which improved the quality, certainty, and availability of the registry information as well as infrastructure capable of covering the demands of these services.

In order to continue with this efficient service, 34 courses with 227 public workers participating have been taught, and so far, 96% of staff works in agencies with competency certifications in order to assist citizens in the public sector.

People are encouraged, if they need to do any procedure at RPPC, to do so by scheduling an appointment to speed up the process and to learn about the costs at

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