
Marina del Pilar promotes actions to improve regulation and competitiveness in Baja California

Tijuana will be the venue of a forum of national and international experts on this matter

The governor of Baja California, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, continues to boost the implementation of actions to improve public administration, promoting good practices through regulation improvement training, digital transformation, and economic competitiveness. This is in order to continue strengthening services provided to people since the beginning of her administration.

As such, she announced that Baja California will be the venue of the "National Forum of Regulation Improvement, Digital Transformation, and Competitiveness", a national and international renowned event that will take place on June 24 and 25 at Hotel Real Inn in the city of Tijuana.

The director of the Digital Agency of Baja California, Gabriel Palombo, pointed out that this forum will be aimed at public workers, academics, and representatives of the social and business sectors, and its goal is to create a space for dialogue and idea exchange.

He said that at this event, led by the state government through the Secretariat of Economy and Innovation and the Digital Agency, is looking to socialize and train attendants in good government practices with a particular focus on citizen participation. Cooperation and teachings shared will be essential to making progress on crucial issues, director Palombo said.

The forum will have the participation of national and international renowned experts among them the Coordinator of the OECD program on Regulatory Policy for Latin America, Manuel Gerardo Flores; the National Commissioner of Regulation Improvement of the Government of Mexico, Alberto Montoya Martín del Campo; and César Córdova, director of the International Jacobs Firm, Córdova & Asociados.

In addition, there will be workshops and conferences by leading companies on technology innovation and cybersecurity such as Amazon Web Services, CISCO, Google, and Huawei. These companies, pioneers on their respective fields, will share their knowledge and experiences about how technology can improve government services and strengthen information security. Their participation will significantly enrich the forum and will offer practical and advanced perspectives in the area of digital transformation.

RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar: “National Forum of Regulation Improvement, Digital Transformation, and Competitiveness"


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