
Mayor Montserrat Caballero calls on to work together for Tijuana

Today, the mayor of Tijuana delivered her second governmental report

The mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, called on for the municipal administration and the inhabitants of the municipality to join forces to continue moving forward on the road to transformation to benefit the population. This occurred on the mayor's second governmental report.

This governmental report took place on Thursday, October 12 in which the head of the 24th Municipal Administration of Tijuana gave details about her actions, programs, and results regarding the 2nd year of her government to the members in this building.

"The Tijuana for everyone that we proposed to build together two years ago has not been easy and you know that, but we have demonstrated with our actions that we can have a good government when we act with principles and facts, to earn the respect of all Tijuana natives," the mayor said.

In her speech, the mayor claimed that the fate of Tijuana's families is in hands of the entire municipal administration, which is why she called on to build agreements and strengthen efforts to "make a better way so that we can all traverse it, to forge the collective dreams of the future. Let's make of our city something great, but always for everyone."

The mayor claimed that though the municipality has great challenges, every day they are giving results to citizens. An example of this is the arrests and seizures of weapons registered this week.

"So far, we have seized more than 2,000 weapons. Let's make it clear that in no administration nationwide there's this number of seizures. However, we have to do more regarding human rights, to highlight what is good and always point out what is wrong, to correct it," she said.

The mayor said, before continuing with her report, that she needed to apologize publicly to all citizens that have had their human and constitutional rights violated, especially regarding the Alonso case, claiming that they will keep working for the protection of citizens, while recognizing that police officers are honest.

At this event, the representatives of the several different political factions spoke to talk about the second year of the 24th Municipal Administration of Tijuana that they all are a part of, according to the agreement that was approved last August.

Once their participation ended, Caballero Ramírez recognized the "importance of hard work in each of our friends that are part of this municipality because despite political ideologies between us, we have managed to work as one single government. Everything that we have done is thanks to everyone's participation, I recognize it and I thank you, because we are together in this road to transformation."

She also said that though she represents a young government, public policies implemented haven't been improvised, which is being reflected in the healthy finances that the current administration has as well as programs and resources meant for those who have the least.

After this event which took place in the Municipal Palace, the mayor will speak about the report of the second year of the 24th Municipal Administration at Audiorama in Museo El Trompo.

RELATED VIDEO: Mayor Montserrat Caballero delivers 150 packages of aid to Tijuana native families


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