
Marina del Pilar coordinates social wellbeing agenda between the governors of Mexico

The Governor of Baja California was part of the commemoration of the 106th anniversary of the Proclamation of the Mexican Constitution of 1917

The governor of Baja California was part of the Ordinary Meeting of the National Confederation of Governors (CONAGO) which took place in the state of Queretaro whose goal was to strengthen the social agenda and wellbeing of the Mexican people.

At this meeting, the Baja Californian governor was named coordinator of the Social Wellbeing Commission of CONAGO, as well as vice coordinator of the Migration Issues, Winemaking Industry Promotion, and Equality Between Women and Men Commissions. Thanks to this position, Marina del Pilar will strengthen the coordination among federal states to improve the quality of life of Mexican families.

The state governors highlighted the work by Governor Marina del Pilar as she has coordinated with the federation in order to support vulnerable groups, especially seniors, people with disabilities, women heads of family, as well as children and teenagers.

During the celebration of the 106th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, Governor Marina del Pilar reiterated the importance of strengthening CONAGO and promoting the rights of those who need it the most, as well as promoting reforms that continue the social transformation that the country needs.

At this meeting, in which several state governors of Mexico also participated, key issues were addressed regarding the strengthening of the institution and they prioritized the creation of interinstitutional agreements meant to promote public policies that benefit Mexican families.

Marina del Pilar recognized the presence of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador at this meeting, as it implies the unity of all the leaders of the states in Mexico and reaffirms their commitment to work together to develop concrete government actions through the coordination between the federation and the states.

In addition, Marina del Pilar participated in the ceremony of the commemoration of the 106th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States which took place at Teatro de la República in the capital of Queretaro.

At this event, where the heads of the branches of power of Mexico participated, the significance of strengthening the constitutional order was highlighted as well as the importance of strengthening the rule of law in Mexico. A remembrance took place regarding the historical path that led to the creation of the Magna Carta of our country.


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