
Tacos La Especial in Tijuana, a tradition of great flavor since 1952: Tacos With Muchachos

Their steamed tacos are served with carrots, spring onions, and radishes

Photo by: Captura Baja WIndow to the South & Local Guide on Facebook

Tacos With Muchachos’ goal is to show their audience all about the taquerias in the state, both new and classic ones so that tourists can discover their great offerings. Scott Koenig and his guest, Tony Tee, went to Avenida Revolución in Downtown Tijuana to visit Tacos La Especial.

Tacos La Especial, established in 1952, is known for their steamed tacos, a type of taco that is quite popular in the city, usually found in stands and carts in Tijuana streets.

Here both Scott and Tony had the chance to try their famous steamed tacos. As their name implies, these tacos are steamed, then piled one on top of the other, and with the heat they radiate, they keep their distinctive texture and greasy feeling when eaten.

Tacos at La Especial are served with radishes, carrots, and a spring onion, which can be added to each and every bite. Both hosts spoke about the meat’s nice flavor and the taco’s side “dishes” which, all together, manage to create a unique experience with each bite.

Click here if you want to watch the complete episode of Baja Window to the South where we discuss this topic!

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