
Night tours return to the Ensenada Riviera

Ensenada's Riviera tours are back to tell visitors legends and horror stories

With the color green staying in practically all of Baja California (with the exception of Mexicali), Ensenada brings good news for those looking to do something different and fun during the evenings: the traditional night tours are back.

This was announced on the official Facebook page of these famous tours that, like so many other events, had to be put on pause due to the coronavirus pandemic.

For those who do not know this attraction, it consists of a guided tour where you are told myths and legends of the Riviera de Ensenada, one of the most famous buildings in the city that opened its doors as a hotel in 1930 and became a success during the 50s.

Riviera de Ensenada Facebook
Riviera de Ensenada Facebook

However, 10 years later the hotel was left stagnating without giving any economic benefit. It wasn't until 1978 that it was reopened as a Social, Civic and Cultural Center that included a wide variety of artistic activities and recreational events, such as these tours.

The entrance fee is $100 pesos per person and you can find them at the Bar Andaluz. So far they have only announced that it will be on Thursday, June 11 starting at 9 p.m.

Riviera de Ensenada Facebook
Riviera de Ensenada Facebook

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