
This is the process for COVID-19 testing at Tijuana International Airport

Testing fees vary depending on whether your flight is domestic or international.

After the United States requested all travelers wishing to enter this country to undergo a negative or antigen test for COVID-19, at the end of January the Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (GAP) installed laboratories at its different airports, such as the Tijuana International Tijuana Internacional Airport, to perform these tests.

But, do they still provide them? How does it work? According to the Tijuana International Airport, those interested in taking a PCR or antigen test can go without an appointment to its facilities from Monday to Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 in the afternoon. However, in order to expedite the process, travelers or the general public are asked to pre-register here.

How much does it cost?

-International flights: $450 pesos for the antigen test, and $1,450 pesos for the PCR.
-Domestic flights and general public: $800 pesos for the antigen test, and $1950 pesos for the PCR test.

The results of the antigen test are given in 30 to 45 minutes, while the PCR test results are given in 42 to 78 hours. Both are sent by e-mail and in both Spanish and English.

It is worth mentioning that the laboratory in charge of performing the tests at this airport asks to attend without nasal cleansing and not to use nasal ointments.

In turn, in case of a positive test, they ask travelers to contact the airline directly to modify their itinerary.

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