
From Lebanon to Tijuana comes Basharud's Arabian tacos

The taqueria of Lebanese descendant and now Tijuana resident, Jose Trabulse, was visited by Chef Bentacourt to taste and rate his tacos.

Photo by: Carlos Osuna

This time Chef Danny Betancourt made a risky decision (if you are one of those who don't like to try new things), to visit the Arabic tacos "Basharud" of Lebanese descendant and now Tijuana resident, Jose Trabulse, as part of our section Una Mordida Tacos Tijuana.

This taqueria is located at Republica de Chile 9901, colonia Anexa Panamericano (by Colinas de California) in this border city, where they offer a variety of tacos that combine the best of Mexico and Lebanon.

If you want to know how chef Danny did with this gastronomic fusion, we share with you his experience with the two types of tacos he tried and how he rated them.

Shawarma Taco
Just like its price ($100 pesos), this taco is large and made of a thick flour tortilla with marinated lamb meat, chopped parsley, caramelized onion, tomato and a sesame yogurt dressing.

Although its size made it a little difficult for the chef to take the first bite, he acknowledged that this "tortilla" is very good and tasty. For its part, the dressing feels a little lumpy due to the ingredients that make it up, but it complements the taco.

Regarding the meat, Danny commented that he is not a fan of lamb, but since it is marinated, it is not as strong in flavor, so he liked it.

After taking a second bite, the Chef gave it a 7.5 rating.

Lahm Jaban Taco
Being the house recommendation Danny was eager to try this taco, which was also large in size and made with the same type of tortilla. But, unlike the previous one this one had rice "like with noodles," said the Chef; plus a base of beans stewed with jocoque, while the meat is beef combined with bacon, bell bell pepper, spices and grilled cheese.

"Mmmm, it's delicious, delicious. You can tell they seasoned the beans with that famous jocoqui they put on it; it's very creamy, the rice, and the cheese they put on it is quite tasty," said Danny after the first bite.

Before taking the second bite and grading it, the chef added the recommended salsa de árbol, which he was warned was spicy.

Thus, this $90 peso Arabian taco received a 9.2 rating from this foodie who continues touring Tijuana's taquerias.

Basharud opened in 2020, and despite the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, they continue to delight Tijuana locals. Learn more about them here.

Have you visited them yet? Do you know any other "exotic" taqueria we should visit?


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