
Find out which neighborhoods have active COVID-19 cases in Tijuana

Of the 327 active COVID-19 cases in Baja California, 132 are concentrated in Tijuana.

Despite being under the yellow light and during the vacation period, the COVID-19 pandemic continues in Baja California, registering as of Tuesday 327 active cases in the state.

Of this total 142 are located in Mexicali, 132 in Tijuana, 22 in Ensenada, 15 in San Quintin, nine in Rosarito, five in Tecate and two in San Felipe.

Due to this, the head of the Secretariat of Health, Alonso Perez Rico, announced the neighborhoods where most of these cases are concentrated.

Specifically in Tijuana, there are eight neighborhoods where these chains of transmission are observed: Tecnologico (6 active cases), Divina Providencia (5), El Refugio (3), Paseos del Vergel (3), Ampliacion Guaycura (3), Las Torres (3), Camino Verde (3) and Jardines de Agua Caliente (3).

Perez Rico reminded that in these neighborhoods there are restrictions for swap meets. Only stalls offering food, non-perishable products, and cleaning products can be set up.

So far in the pandemic 44 thousand 724 Baja Californians have been infected with COVID-19, while 7 thousand 682 have lost their lives.

Related video: "Una Mordida Taco Tijuana": Taqueria Las Brasas


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