Baja California

Baja California will remain under the orange light for at least one more week

The orange traffic light will continue regardless of what is published in the federal update.

This Friday, February 26, the State Secretary of Health, Alonso Perez Rico, gave the daily update on the coronavirus situation in Baja California where he informed that the traffic light will remain orange, despite what may be reported in the federal update. This will continue, at least, until next week.

Today, an increase of coronavirus cases was announced in the municipalities of Tijuana and Ensenada, while the other entities of Baja California continue to decrease. Tijuana officially accumulates 15 thousand 734 cases, 185 cases were reported active in the last 24 hours. While Ensenada accumulates 6 thousand 495 and reports a total of 69 active cases.

As for the other municipalities, they specified the following:
-Mexicali has a total of 16 thousand 359 cases of which 103 are active.
-San Quintin has one thousand 830 accumulated cases, 36 are active.
-Rosarito has 21 active, while accumulating 953 cases
-Tecate has one thousand 344 reported cases and 11 active cases.
-San Felipe has only 4 active cases and 555 registered cases.

The State Secretary of Health informed that the population must take precautions: "if a third wave happens in Baja California territory due to the tendency we have, we are going to be tested a lot more... what does this depend on? on us... that we take care of ourselves".

Border News 4th week of February 2021


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