These five eateries have cemented Tijuana's reputation as a gourmet hub

These new eateries are among the most popular in the area

Photo by: Barbara Zandoval on Usplash & @saketoriyacacho

Tijuana has proven to be the home of many cultures and traditions, as well as a vast and diverse gastronomic offer, as evidenced by the thousands of tourists who visit the world's busiest border every day, where excellent ingredients, culinary talent, a welcoming atmosphere, and multiculturalism combine to create dishes that satisfy all palates.

Although numerous restaurants in Tijuana have raised the city's profile, including Mexican, Asian, Brazilian, and other cuisines, Forbes Mexico reports that the following five restaurants have generated much buzz and are quickly becoming the region's most popular destinations.

Fin de California


This restaurant, located on Aguacaliente Blvd., is headed by chef Sergio Chávez and aims to reinvent regional cuisine using the phrase "Mediterranean," in which the combinations of tastes, textures, and sensations have no bounds. Meat chops and seafood are only a few of the delicacies available.

Here's where you can learn more about their cuisine.


Banger, Bistro American


This soon-to-be-opened restaurant will feature a vibrant design with a geometric style reminiscent of Italy in the 1960s and Italian specialties such as white and red Neapolitan pizzas that will be certified as authentic Vera Pizza Napolitana. They will also combine Italian cuisine with Baja California cuisine under "Catalina." That's not all because, like the Fin.Ca patio, this one will feature a rooftop style.

Here's where you can learn more about their cuisine.


Ziba Cocina Mediterránea


Ziba, as its name suggests, focuses on Mediterranean food. What do you mean by that? You might be surprised to learn that it combines traditional meals from France, Turkey, Italy, Lebanon, Greece, and Spain with Calibaja spices. It is a restaurant that first opened its doors in May 2021 and has wowed customers with its tastes, quality, and atmosphere, which is reminiscent of a traditional Japanese tavern.

Here's where you can learn more about their cuisine.


Saketori - Ya Nikkei Norteño


This restaurant aims to appropriately blend Mexican and Japanese cultures by combining Mexican ingredients with Japan's vast and delicate culinary tradition. Although this is a fantastic experience, Saketori - Ya wanted more, so they added regional mixology to their menu, as well as a relatively wide wine selection. Their Japanese callus ceviche and Diablo ramen are not to be missed.

Here's where you can learn more about their cuisine.


Enzo Wines


A glass of fine wine should match a nice dinner, and Enzo Wines is an expert in this field; this is a company that grew out of four friends' enthusiasm for wine. Wines from Baja California and other parts of Mexico and overseas bottles are available here. This is the ideal location for beginners, amateurs, interested, and specialists to share a conversation while sipping a glass of wine.

Here's where you can learn more about their cuisine.


RELATED VIDEO: "Una Bite Tacos Tijuana": Tacos El Paisa Las Ahumaderas

"Una Mordida Tacos Tijuana": Tacos El Paisa Las Ahumaderas


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