Pollution, One Of The Main Causes Of Whale Deaths In Baja

Another whale has been washed ashore, now in Popotla

BAJA CALIFORNIA.-Over the course of one month, 3 whales have been washed ashore in Playas de Tijuana, Rosarito (El Bebe Beach) and Popotla. The third grey whale was found last night in Popotla, near a rocky area that was hard to access.

Rosarito's Federal Terrestrial Maritime Zone (Zofemat) assured that sea pollution is the main cause for the death of these mammals. The agency is calling out citizens to raise awareness and avoid throwing toxic waste into the sea, such as home trash and sewage water.

The most recent specimen found on the beach, have been dead for several days, according to Zofemat.

In order to remove the whale from the shore and bury it, help from Ensenada's Second Navy Zone in coordination with Semanart and Profepa, Public Works and Fire Department was required.

With a 15 ton body, the whale required special machinery and careful maneuvering, given that its level of decomposing could weaken and explore.

Click here to know more facts involved with whale death.

With information from La Jornada BC and AFN

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