This Isn't A Photo Of A Rosarito Or Tijuana Beach After Spring Break, It's San Diego

Rumors of it being Baja have been denied

Nowadays, having such an easy access to media is a two way street, given that we may believe things that aren't 100% true, such was the case of a controversial image that roamed around social media, regarding how Rosarito Beach was left after welcoming tourists over Spring Break and the Easter weekend.

The following image shows a beach filled with trash and what appears to be a forgotten grill. After a local journalist posted the image, comments of people showing their dissatisfaction regarding the situation exploded, however, there were others who took upon the task of investigating the origin of said picture.

This has caused such controversy, given that the image has been shared over 2,000 times and has nearly 3,500 likes, which has made some question its credibility. It's true that thousands of tourist do leave trash on the beach after a few days of partying, but it's not reason enough to make a badmouth them on social media.

Someone already confirmed that the picture is neither from Tijuana nor Rosarito, is not even of Mexico for that matter. It's actually Pacific Beach, San Diego, after a 4th of July celebration. A post in Green Eco Services used the image taken back in 2006 in order to make a comparison of the trash remains in 2009.

The uproar created because of the photo reflects on the bad image people have of tourists in general, both local and foreign. Thousands of people visited Baja this weekend and there is no denying that some beaches were left with too much trash and bottles, requiring a massive cleanup, but there is no need to create a bad image as well as forgetting the benefits tourism brings along.

This image is how a Tijuana beach really looked like today in the morning:

But city cleaning crews were quickly put to work and by the end of the day, Playas de Tijuana managed to look like this once more:

Photo: City of Tijuana
Photo: City of Tijuana

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