
SEDECO for whom does it work?

Baja California's Ministry of Economic Development is the first body to which a thematic magazine as BusinesConexion has to keep an eye on,

Baja California's Ministry of Economic Development is the first body to which a thematic magazine as BusinesConexion has to keep an eye on, being that our vocation is that of Economic Development in all areas, as a goal to improve this Mega-region's inhabitants' life quality, we can only hope for this dependence to accomplish its mission; in this issue, we made an analysis of the first 9 months of government in the area of Economic Development.

To our surprise, we found out that this dependence lacks coordination and leadership, being that we have detected 3 secretaries and 1 sub secretary; Carlo Humberto Bonfante Olache as SEDECO's holder, Jesus Alfredo Babun Villareal, who has two responsibilities, according to Baja California's Government website, Juan Antonio Martinez Zaragoza and Jesus Palacio Lafontaine, whom, although had his title changed, being nameda delegate in Ensenada, who still charges as an undersecretary, because that was his previous role in the administration.

Carlo Bonfante started working his position in a very strong way, but after the scandal of the Secretary of Government, Trejo Dozal, in which he's also supposedly involved, brings law protection to avoid any unpleasant surprises, which has resulted in a change of his agenda's priorities, which he seeks to manage as an entrepreneur and business owner, and not as a public servant, who must be fair, objective and impartial.

As a response to this event, the two secretaries have desperately searched for "preferred ones" to fill the possible secretariat departure of Bonfante Olache, which has not happened although rumors continue. Meanwhile, SEDECO is an incongruent actions collage, which happen only to earn points without keeping the focus on the main goal.

We have detected several atrocities, including that... Continue reading article here

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