
Baja California Week in Mexico City

Carlo Bonfante Olache, highlighted the conditions of competitiveness in the hands of skilled labor,

During Mexico City’s Baja California week, the state’s Secretary of Economic Development, Carlo Bonfante Olache, highlighted the conditions of competitiveness in the hands of skilled labor, infrastructure, education, energy, water and natural gas available to Baja California, indicating that the state’s geographic location favors meeting the goal of capturing a billion dollars in direct foreign investment annually.

Baja California already has extensive experience and leadership in various sectors, these include the aerospace, automotive, electronics and semiconductor, information technologies, biotechnology, tourism and metalworking industries, these are looking to consolidate through the establishment of new companies that will strengthen the supply chain. There are 87 industrial parks where more than 900 exporting companies are located, including firms such as Kenworth, Honeywell, Eaton, Zodiac, Foxconn, Plantronics, Toyota, Hyundai, to name a few.

Bonfante Olache also highlighted the... Continue reading article here

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