Macaulay Culkin comes back to Tijuana with "The Pizza Underground"

The band will play a tribute to "The Velvet Underground"

TIJUANA.- A short time after the death of the father of alternative rock, Lou Reed, the singer and songwriter for The Velvet Underground, Macaulay Culkin revealed the first clip from a bizarre but funny musical project, initially formed on February 2012, called The Pizza Underground, a tribute the late Reed's band.

With an eccentric culinary twist, it consist basically of taking songs from the original band and adapting them for their new band. Culkin and his friends then transformed hits like "All Tomorrow's Parties" into "All The Pizza Parties", and "Walk on the Wild Side" into "Take a Bite of the Wild Slice", among others, beginning in November of last year, all of which are available at bandcamp.

Culkin sings and plays the Kazoo, an unusual choice of an instrument, but works the same way as always, by modifying your voice's tone quality. He plays together with other artist from the New York music scene: Matt Colbourn at guitar, Phoebe Kreutz with the glockenspiel -percussion similar to the xylophone-, Austin Kilhan plays the pandeiro and Deenah Vollmer, whose work consists in banging a pizza box during the show, making the group live up to its name.

The project was unveiled towards the end of last year, and The Pizza Underground now heads to Tijuana next Saturday, March 8 in the Moustache bar at 9:00 p.m.

It will also have the special participation of musician/visual artist Toby Goodshank, and Jablonsky. For more information see the event's Facebook page and invite your friends to see the kid from "Home Alone" play the Kazoo!.

This is Culkin's second visit to Tijuana in less than five months, being sighted previously at several bars in the city's famous night life district on Avenida Revolución and Calle Sexta back in October of last year (the Moustache included), accompanying his friend, the singer from the R&B group "Har Mar Superstar". Even posing for a picture on top of the famous Tijuana "zonkey."

VIDEO: The Pizza Underground Demo

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