ABC daycare fire was started on purpose

Parents of victims claim to have proof

It has now been 3 years and 9 months since the tragic children's ABC daycare center fire in Sonora, Mexico, where 49 children were died and 76 others were injured. And as of the result of this,the group "Manos Unidas por Nuetros Hijos" (Hands together for our children) has now issued a statement regarding this incident where they say

that on April 17 they opened an investigation that led to the conclusion that the fire was set on purpose.

"The group 'Manos Unidas por Nuestros Hijos'', which is composed by parents of all of the children who were killed and injured in the fire at the ABC daycare center in Hermosillo, Sonora, would like to inform that some documents have now been delivered to the Attorney General's Office which states that through various newly obtained documents, the fire that killed our children was set intentionally with the purpose to destroy documents related to the debt of $ 10, (Ten Billion Pesos) generated during the administration of former Governor of Sonora, Eduardo Bours Castelo, in implementing his development project program called "Plan Sonora Proyecta," said the statement.

The attorney representing the parents of the victims Gabriel Alvarado Serrano spoke yesterday morning with journalist Carmen Aristegui. Noting that Juana Luna and Julia Escalante know that the Attorney General's Office (PGR), has evidence of the identity of the persons involved in the events, including Carlos Andres Lopez, bodyguards of the then secretary to the governor, and Juan Carlos Lam who two months after was found dead from 9 gunshot wounds.

The purpose of the fire was to burn all of the documents in a warehouse next to the ABC daycare center, which belongs to the Ministry of Finance and where they claim is the place where there was evidence of debt that was generated by Eduardo Bours Castelo.

At the end of the statement, the group said:

"We hope President Enrique Peña Nieto keep his word and is not scared to investigate the truth. Even if it means taking down certain people who were involved in this tragic event, so they can be subjected to the full extent of the law, regardless of their political, economic or social status. It is essential that the new Federal Government assures everyone that nothing and no one will be above the law."


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