Mexican president pays $35,000 for a presidential portrait

Some think that's too much

The image shows Enrique Peña Nieto sitting in the presidential chair, proudly wearing the presidential sash and a gray tie in front of the Mexican flag. The photographer, who was hired to take this picture as Peña Nieto's presidential portrait, is the same one that was hired to take ex-president Felipe Calderon's picture as well.

What's the difference from this picture from the previous ones you may ask?

Well for starters is the cost of the picture. For the photo of ex-president Felipe Calderon, Mexican tax payers only paid about $20,000 dollars, which now makes Peña Nieto's $35,000 dollar portrait the most expensive presidential portrait in the country's history.

The second difference is the sequence of the flags colors, which many people in social networks have been wondering if there is a hidden message behind that, and are even making fun of it because they think that the president put it on backwards or upside down.

The reality of the change in the sequence of the colors is not a mistake. Back in 2010 there was a change in the country's constitution (Art. 34). Many people didn't and don't know this still.

"…the colors of the national flag in stripes of equal…, with the color red corresponding to the upper band."


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