Tijuana is much safer than Chicago

The mexican city is 28% safer than the american city

According to some new statics for the year 2012, the city of Chicago is the city with the highest rate of homicides in the United States, 506 deaths to be exact. Comparing this data to what the authorities in Tijuana, Mexico, have revealed in their numbers. Tijuana had a total of 364 homicides for 2012.

The important thing here is to distinguish how Tijuana used to be a few years ago and how it is now.

Tijuana used to be considered as one of the most violent cities in the world, and this bad reputation is what the residents of this city have changed over the years.

Warnings from the U.S. government towards travelers have not helped either, and usually when the media releases these messages, people generally assume that traveling to any part of Mexico is dangerous and a place they should avoid.

Although the wave of violence is still present in Mexico, the incidents are more frequent further south into the country. This is something that is expected to change with General Alfonso Duarte Mujica, whose success in Tijuana is also expected to be reproduced nationwide. Duarte was one of the key figures in the Baja California and Tijuana to restore security in the region through the cooperation of military and police.

Meanwhile, the same media that has made these reports about Mexico, are now also reporting the terrible situation that the U.S. is going through regarding the violence with firearms. The recent shootings in Colorado and Connecticut have again put the use of firearms up for debate, where the U.S government is trying to respect the rights of U.S. citizens as dictated in the Second Amendment, and at the same time prevent future tragedies.

Currently, Mexico does not share the same type culture regarding gun control like that of the U.S., but the population has been appalled by what has also happened in the neighboring country. Although the Mexican government has not reached the point of issuing alerts to recommend not visiting the U.S. Fear is a common feeling on both sides of the border, and just how visitors from the United States are afraid of being kidnaped or killed in Mexico, Mexicans are also as equally afraid of going to the mall or school where a shooting might break out.

One night in Tijuana
One night in Tijuana

It's very common when speaking well of Mexico that the neighbors up north do not recognize the changes that have been made, and continue to make comments about "the great danger of visiting Mexico", but for those who have come and visit its cities, they know well that its nothing like "they" make it seem to be.

Out of 32 states that make up the entire Mexican territory, only 6 are considered to be regions with high criminal activity which are Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Guerrero and the state of Mexico. Now, is it really unsafe to travel to Mexico?

Comparing Tijuana and Chicago is only one example of how important is to look further into details before making your own judgments, and not just going by what everyone else thinks.

Tijuana and Mexico in general have a lot to offer, but it's only a matter of giving it a chance and finding out on your own. Just like that old saying "don't judge a book by its cover."




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