Baja California

Asao Restaurant: Fresh, Local Gastronomy in Tecate

Enjoy the unique flavors and dishes made with fresh and local ingredients in Tecate, Baja California.

The third course, Pulpo al grill with chorizo and Guajillo paper on top of black bean puree. Octopus has to be one of my all time favorites, and with salty chorizo, creamy beans, and a slight heat from the chile, it really was a delicious dish.

The fourth course, an enchilada made with wheat flour and stuffed with shredded duck, then covered in a Jamaica mole. I had never tasted Jamaica mole before this dish. It has such distinct flavors to it, with a nice overall acidity.

The fifth and final savory course, Cornish Game hen in Barbacoa.

The barbacoa is made Southern Mexico style. An avocado leaf is used during the preparation. Nice and bold flavors, but they didn't take over the tender meat of the hen.

The final course, was a last hoorah to mango season. The mango dessert shared the plate with fresh cubes of cooked mango, white chocolate syrup, and Salvia flowers. The texture of the dessert was in between that of flan, and panna cotta. It was unique in itself, and I couldn't help but let my spoon lead me to finish up every last bite.

Just a short drive from the Tecate border, Asao Restaurante will delight your senses with the cuisine that characterizes Baja California.

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