Two U.S. gang members arrested in Tijuana

Allegedly members of the Mongols motorcycle gang

TIJUANA -- State authorities arrested Tuesday two members of the Mongols motorcycle gang, one of them on "America's Most Wanted" list, who were being sought in the United States for attempted homicide, violent robbery, weapons trafficking, among other felonies.

Alfredo Arenas Moreno, the international coordinator for the Baja California preventive police, said its agents mounted an operation Tuesday afternoon that culminated in the arrest of the two men who were found hiding in a house located in La Sierra neighborhood.

He identified the suspects as Peter Soto and Oscar Olivas, who were easily recognized for the extensive tattoos associated with the motorcycle gang.

The two are suspects in the attempted murder of a member of the Hell's Angels, bitter rivals of The Mongols, the official said, and other felonies.

Soto was considered one of the leaders of the Mongols, which the FBI raided several years ago and captured more than 100 members, Arenas said. Soto was able to escape to Tijuana, where Baja California police arrested him.


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