Support Becky's Fight Against Breast Cancer

Resilience and Love: Discover Becky's Journey in Her Fight Against Cancer

Becky’s battle to save herself began nearly 3 years ago when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. The news was devastating to her and her two sons, but they have continuously comforted and nurtured their close family bond despite the pain. Together, they refused to accept defeat.

After going through surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, they continued to pick up the broken pieces, which included both financial and mental health challenges left in the aftermath. Becky’s life has been a journey of love, loss, and yet she maintained an ability to thrive when faced with monumental challenges.

As an infant of 8 months, her mother gave her to another woman to raise. “That is who I call ‘mom,’” said Becky. “I was traumatized when she died when I was only a teenager. I was alone until Mrs. Alemandro and Irene Pavloff allowed me to live at La Jolla Camp so I wouldn’t be alone.”

Becky worked hard cleaning homes, cooking, and babysitting throughout her youth to help pay for her upkeep. Becky’s bright personality and happy spirit quickly won the hearts of many around her, including the Pavloff Family, with whom she remains close today.

Becky married at 21, and she and her husband remained in Punta Banda at La Jolla Beach Camp for 7 years until his sudden death. As another blow came her way, and with no children, she found herself alone and starting over again. Her friends and supporters rallied around her, and she was able to move to a smaller home within La Jolla Camp.

By 1999, she became the manager of Lomas del Mar, which was and remains a community of mostly retired people seeking a unique setting that provides serenity, affordable living, and a great view of the Ensenada Bay. In this environment, Becky thrived, and her kind and giving spirit, along with her knowledge of the community and Mexican culture, helped her new guests acclimate in their new country. Her stories about the history of Punta Banda remind one that hard work and love of community provide the foundation for building a home.

Becky eventually had two sons but never remarried. She raised her two boys alone and nurtured their spirits and dreams to become hard-working and educated so they could achieve their goals. Today, her sons Ronnie, 22, and Aldo, 20, remain her greatest joy and most cherished supporters as she fights once again to sustain the life she worked so hard to achieve.

Ronnie and Aldo shared their feelings about their mom and her struggle to survive and thrive in spite of the challenges her cancer and treatments have had on their family. They wrote:

“Our mother has always taken care of us. Since the day we were born, she has always been there for us when we needed her the most. Even though she has gone through many things, she has always smiled at life, and despite her cancer or illness, she has not stopped being the mom she has always been.

“I remember many times when she has put us first before herself with food, clothes, and goals. I want my mom to recover, not so she can smile again—she has always smiled—I want her to recover so she can have one less weight on her shoulders. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are expensive and have affected her economic stability. Thank you in advance.” – Ronnie and Aldo

From their words, one can recognize the deep bond and love within the family that Becky nurtured. It is her gentle spirit, kind heart, and ability to listen and problem-solve that members of this community respect and love about Becky.

Words and pictures can only give you a glimpse of her need for our help. That is why the community of Punta Banda and Lomas del Mar are reaching outside our small area to raise funds for Becky Echeverría as she continues to fight for the life she always dreamed of for her sons and herself. She’s traveled a spirited journey filled with kindness and love for others.

“When I first met Becky in 2016, she was the property manager for a home we were interested in. Becky was my first friend in a new country, and she showed me nothing but kindness and generosity,” said Amy S.

“A woman with an unbreakable faith, who has had storms that shake her but do not defeat her; always firm in a fight, hardworking, and with the initiative to undertake and progress for her children—two excellent young people whom she has raised,” shared Marisol V.

“Becky is a wonderful person. We’ve lived at Lomas del Mar for six years. When we ask her for help, she takes care of things right away. She cares about all of us, and we wish her well,” commented Bill and Carol R.

There are many ways you can support Becky’s journey for life.

Can’t Attend? Ways to Contribute:

● Provide Auction Items: Wine, hotel stays, gift certificates, tickets to events, ect. (most residents travel to SD monthly)
Don’t want to cross the border?

● Donate to Becky: GoFundMe


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