
OM Cure Tijuana restores patients' health with effective regenerative medicine

Dr. Patricia Ramírez Meza provides comprehensive treatment that restores the body. This clinic has two branches: La Cacho in Tijuana and Tecate

Dr. Patricia Ramírez Meza is a medical surgeon and homeopath with 15 years of experience. She currently heads the clinics OM Cure in Tijuana, Tecate, and, soon, Mexicali, providing comprehensive treatment with regenerative medicine, which guarantees health restoration in patients while also rejuvenating them.

This concept has three main pillars: biological regenerative medicine (homotoxicology), which activates defenses; implementation of stem cells, which restores the body, and the hyperbaric chamber, whose goal is to oxygenate the body and remove the inflammation process.

In her new clinic, located in Colonia Cacho, the doctor has treated several people who have seen a considerable improvement in their physical and emotional wellbeing after undergoing treatment.

Many diseases are a result of bad diet habits, stressful situations, and environmental pollution, which is why the focus is on strengthening the immune system and eliminating risk factors through regenerative medicine with high-quality German technology.

In addition, Dr. Patricia Ramírez explained to us the difference between traditional medicine and homeopathy:

Traditional medicine only controls diseases, but it doesn't really help the patient to heal. When they discover homeopathy, we realize that the patient is able to recover as it is a highly effective medicine. Our body has a wonderful ability to heal.

At OM Cure, the following diseases are treated: diabetes, hypertension, all digestive problems: gastritis, constipation, and colitis; pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and emotional problems such as anxiety and insomnia.

These issues are caused by an intoxication process, the system swells up, and it begins to create alterations. Medications repair these damages to a cellular level, which allows the patient to heal, helping them avoid specialists or having to take many different medications.

In an interview with San Diego Red, Dr. Ramírez explained that patients tend to go to OM Cure due to pain, fatigue, insomnia, or digestive problems, and through their treatment, significant improvements are seen: better quality of sleep, increase of energy, and pain reduction.

And as the treatment goes on, the patient improves their blood pressure, their sugar improves, they lose weight, and pain decreases or disappears. Patients are not in a consultation office for long, it is only two or three months, depending on how the patient works with us. This is teamwork, especially regarding the physical aspect.

Treatments begin with the application of a serum once a week for 1 month. Patients begin to perceive physical and emotional changes from the first week. This clinic treats patients of all ages.

Currently, OM CURE, as part of its promotions, is offering new patients a FREE BIORESONANCE, a non-invasive study that analyzes the body to a cellular level, detecting 2,500 diagnosis spots. This allows for the detection of the origin of the problem, observe what is failing, and do something about it. With these results, the patient is then provided with a personalized treatment.

“Bioresonance is a study that is totally different from an ultrasound or tomography, as these studies show when the disease is already established”, the doctor explained.

People interested can schedule an appointment and request their FREE BIORESONANCE here or through WhatsApp by phone at: 664-460-4308.

OM Cure is located in Tijuana at Calle Durango 2372-Departamento 301, Colonia Madero (Cacho). It is also located in Tecate in Colonia Downey, and it will be soon located in Mexicali.

Social media pages:

Facebook: /ClínicaMédicaOMCure

Instagram: /OM_Cure

Phone: 664 460 4308

Location in Tijuana


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