Baja California

Hurricane Aletta is already forming in the Pacific Ocean. Will it hit Baja California?

It is estimated that the hurricane will occur between May 15 and May 20

The National Commission of Water (CONAGUA), through the National Weather Service (SMN), has issued a statement regarding the beginning of hurricane season in Mexico. It is estimated that the first cyclone will completely form during this week.

It is Hurricane Aletta, a low-pressure system, which has increased its development chance by 30%. If it becomes a hurricane, it could affect 11 states in Mexico, including Baja California.

The official statement was made by SMN that revealed that this natural phenomenon could occur between May 15 and May 20.

Which states will be affected by Hurricane Aletta?

It is currently a low-pressure system in formation, which is why Aletta's specific path is unknown.

SMN estimates that this system could enter through the Pacific Ocean, which is why it is expected to affect states such as Baja California, Baja California Sur, Colima, Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Sinaloa, and Sonora.

Due to this, it is important for people to keep an eye on updates by CONAGUA and Civil Protection. Some important tips to prepare in case of a hurricane are the following:

  • Follow weather reports and recommendations by authorities.
  • Prepare an emergency kit with water, food, flashlights, radio, medicine, and important documents.
  • Identify nearby shelters and established evacuation routes.
  • Secure roofs, windows, and doors to reduce damages.
  • Follow evacuation orders if they are issued.
  • Have emergency contacts and charged electronic devices

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