
Concern among tourists regarding crime in Baja California increases after killing of surfers

Foreign tourists are questioning whether to visit Baja California

The tragic murder of Australian surfers Callum and Jake Robinson and their American friend Jack Carter Rhoad is still a topic of conversation and has become such a news sensation that even the US Department of State and Australia have issued travel warnings to Mexico.

This incident has created a lot of questions and these have become more visible on social media. One of the biggest questions that has created the greatest uncertainty among foreigners who want to visit Mexico is to know if it is safe to vacation here, especially in Baja California.

On a Facebook group called "Talk Baja" (where the disappearance of the brothers was shared for the first time) has been the place where there has been the highest increase of uncertainty and activity regarding crime in the state.

Recently, a user asked how safe San Quintin is. This created tens of comments among internet users of this group and among the opinions, this one was a standout:

”Stay in California”. “I spent 6 years in San Quintin, it is definitely not a safe place.” “I hope I never have to come back”.

Though there were some comments claiming that this fishing community is dangerous, there were some who said that the United States has a higher crime rate than Baja California.

”It is safer than Los Angeles.” “Do you know how many numbers there are in the United States?” “If you have to ask if it is safe to go, you shouldn't go.” It is safer than schools in the United States.”

It seems that this sad and tragic violent event has managed to unleash a deep fear in people who were thinking about visiting the state of Baja California.

Crime rates in Baja California

According to the National System of Public Security, it is estimated that between January 2024 and March 2024, there were 599 homicides in Baja California. Regarding kidnappings, there have been allegedly only 8 victims. Extortion has had 23 victims and robbery with violence has had 274 victims.

This means that Baja California is 3rd place in violence, specifically in homicides, followed by Guanajuato.


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