
Tijuana leaves ranking of Top 5 most dangerous cities in Mexico

INEGI published its first quarterly report, where they took into account the perception of 90 Mexican cities

According to the First Quarterly Report of 2024 created by the National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Informatics (INEGI), the municipality of Tijuana has been left out of the list that ranks the 5 cities with the highest perception of insecurity so far this year.

The results of the National Poll of Urban Public Security (ENSU) 2024 reveal that the cities where inhabitants felt unsafe are Fresnillo, Zacatecas; Naucalpan de Juárez, State of Mexico; Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Guerrero; and Cuernavaca, Morelos, with a percentage between 95% and 87%.

This poll evaluates the perception of insecurity and other related variables; in the 42nd edition of this poll that was made in 90 Mexican cities, from Baja California, only Tijuana and Mexicali were included.

This poll reveals that the people of Tijuana are among the top 5 that have changed their habits the least due to this insecurity perception.

The Municipal Administration of Tijuana continues to carry out preventive work in the municipality, promoting cross-sectional public policies with specific strategies for the areas with the greatest vulnerabilities.

In addition, people are being reminded that in any emergency situation they can use the Botón de Emergencia and Botón Morado mobile apps so that they can be quickly assisted by security entities or the appropriate agencies.

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