The governor of Baja California, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, as part of her strategy to fight poverty and get fairer wages for workers in the state, recently revealed that, according to the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Baja California was 3rd place in job creation in March, adding a total of 25,659 new jobs during the year's first quarter.
The governor said that, in the January-March trimester, Baja California represented 9.7% of the 264,959 jobs created in Mexico, which means the state is currently in route to improve homes' incomes and, subsequently, quality of life for all people.

To offer security for workers, around half of the jobs created in this quarter were classified as permanent, amounting to 47%.
Governor Marina del Pilar pointed out the contributions of the agricultural industry to this growth, highlighting that Ensenada was the greatest job creator between January and March, with a total number of 11,190 of new registrations. Tijuana registered 8,069 new jobs, Mexicali 1,902, and San Quintin 303.

For his part, the Secretary of Economy and Innovation (SEI), Kurt Ignacio Honold Morales, explained that, statewide, the agricultural, livestock, fishing, and hunting industries were the main job boosters for 2nd month in a row, contributing 13,465 new jobs.
In 2nd place, there was the manufacturing industry with 8,522 jobs, social and community services with 3,261, services for companies, people, and homes with 1,062, mining with 26, and the electric industry, gathering, and supply of water with 5.

The state official said that the biggest business enterprises, with more than 251 employees, are the ones who have hired the highest number of people. Their significant performance resulted in the creation of thousands of new job spaces for Baja Californian spaces.
RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar invites Baja Californian women to be part of "Mujeres al Volante"