State governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda presented the main actions that will be carried out in order to set off the boost of creative industries in the state, making of Baja California a source of wellbeing for the state's creators.
The governor stated that Baja California is a seedbed of arts, culture, and talent, which is why the Agency of Creative Industries of the Secretariat of the Economy has close coordination with the Secretariats of Tourism, Education, and Culture to boost the industry and make it stand out nationwide and internationally.

"Since we took office, we have dedicated ourselves to boost the great talent that there is in the state, to allow all of our creators to have a dignified quality of life," Governor Marina del Pilar said.
To achieve this goal, Marina del Pilar said that the Agency of Creative Industries works on eight sectors: audiovisual content, music, fashion, gastronomy, design, craft drinks, videogames, apps, and digital platforms.

For his part, the head of the Agency, Abelardo Vázquez Ramos stated that based on the state mapping to detect talent, forums, and workshops, they created, together with COPLADE, the 2022-2027 Special Program to Boost Creative Industries.
In addition, Vázquez Ramos shared different campaigns and projects such as the creation of the Intersecretarial Commission of Creative Industries in Baja California that promotes coordination between institutions; the training of the sector through Baja Labs; and the boost of creative activities of young people in higher education to guide their talents.

On the other hand, the state's assets and its natural and cultural wealth make of Baja California an ideal destination for the movie industry. This is why the campaign "Baja California: Un Estado de Película" to promote this industry was created, which works on five pillars: a movie commission, technical training, screen tourism, boost of public and private investment, and national and international promotion.
Through the musical sector, they managed to economically reactivate Mexicali's Historic Downtown. In addition, the first work council of the Musical Industry was established in the state capital and the detection of talent has been boosted through the First Conference of Indie Music in the region.

The governor of Baja California invited creative people to register on, where they can fill out a form explaining their talent in order to support their development through training, competitions, and more.
Lastly, Vázquez Ramos recalled that in 2023, Mexicali was recognized by UNESCO as a Creative City, a recognition also obtained by Ensenada, which consolidates Baja California as one of the national forces in regards to creativity.
RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar invites Baja Californian women to be part of "Mujeres al Volante"